附 永利集团3044am官方入口2022年度“圣和研究生创新成果奖”获选名单
序号 | 姓名 | 学号 | 学科专业 | 发表论文题目 | 发表期刊 | 获奖等级 | 奖金金额 |
1 | 任溢男 | 3220040590 | 药物经济学 | Cost-effectiveness analysis of colonoscopy and fecal immunochemical testing for colorectal cancer screening in China | Frontiers in Public Health | 二等奖 | 2000 |
2 | 卢钰琼 | 3119040160 | 药物经济学 | The effects of berberine on inflammatory markers in Chinese patients with metabolic syndrome and related disorders: a metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials | Inflammopharmacology | 三等奖 | 1000 |
3 | 丁瑞琳 | 3122044182 | 社会与管理药学 | 获益与风险视角下的地标中药饮片跨省流通监管问题分析 | 中国药房 | 三等奖 | 1000 |
4 | 马越 | 3122044198 | 药物经济学 | Is the Scope of Costs Considered in Budget Impact Analyses for Anticancer Drugs Rational? A Systematic Review and Comparative Study | Frontiers in Public Health | 三等奖 | 1000 |
5 | 赵明烨 | 3220040596 | 药物经济学 | Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Five Systemic Treatments for Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma in China: An Economic Evaluation Based on Network Meta-Analysis | Frontiers in Public Health | 三等奖 | 1000 |
6 | 程鲁燕 | 3321041168 | 管理药学-国际药品注册 | The Consistency Between the Chinese Essential Medicines List and Treatment Guidelines-Taking Oncology Medicines as an Example | Frontiers in Public Health | 三等奖 | 1000 |
7 | 黄晓青 | 3220040587 | 药物经济学 | 医用耗材集采背景下按病种分值付费优化方案研究——以冠状动脉支架为例 | 卫生经济研究 | 三等奖 | 1000 |